Useful Contact Details & Information

Parish Clerk: Mrs Jane Mullane

Address: Oak View, North Lane, Weston on the Green, Bicester, OX25 3RG

Tel: 01869 350282


To contact any of the Parish Councillors please click here for their details.

Safeguarding of Both Vulnerable Adults and Children

Safeguarding is everyone's business. For us in Weston on the Green it is Oxfordshire County Council that has the duty to deliver overall Safeguarding services. They have the responsibility to make sure the safeguarding response is coordinated. To that end the Parish Council wanted to highlight the following advice on what to do if you are concerned of a safeguarding issue:

For Emergencies

If a child or young person is in immediate danger, left alone or missing and/or a vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, you should contact the emergency services immediately on 999.

For Non-Emergencies

Members of the public can raise their concerns with Oxfordshire County Council as follows:

Useful Contacts - Oxfordshire County Council

Assessment Team - weekdays daytime: call 0345 0507666 / 01865 328232

Emergency Duty Team - after 5:00pm Monday to Thursday, and after 4:00pm on Fridays - call 0800 833408

Non-Emergency Police Team

To report historic concerns dial 101.

Community Safety Team - Domestic Abuse

If you are at risk of harm at home, you can choose to leave and will be helped by the police and support workers to get yourself and your family to somewhere safe. Anyone in immediate danger should phone 999. If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, dial 999 and then press 55, which will transfer the call to the police who will assist without the caller having to speak.

Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 731 0055 (Mon-Fri, 10am-7pm) or call the 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 or email

Respect Helpline - 0808 802 4040 to get help if struggling to manage your behaviour and worried about hurting loved ones.

Neighbourhood Watch Toolkit - source of advice for anyone seeking information about how to help someone who might be a victim of domestic abuse.

The UK Says No More campaign was launched in the last few weeks and provides advice for people concerned about neighbours. It also promotes the Bright Sky app for use by victims.

Oxfordshire Reducing the Risk - website with information about local help and support services.

Other Useful Contact Details

Odour Pollution:

If you want to report any odour pollution issues you can do this directly with CDC via the below link

If you wish to report any odour pollution from a chicken farm please contact the Environment Agency's hotline number on 0800 807060.

Planning Breach:

You can contact CDC directly if you wish to report what you believe to be a breach in planning control:

Highways: If you spot an issue on the road that requires attention please report it directly on Oxfordshire's Fix my Street:

One Network website which highlights roadworks, traffic restrictions and road closures in the UK along with useful information including gritting routes, public events and weather incidents.

Noise Pollution: For noise abatement issues the Cherwell Community Safety Team is our first port of call. They can be contacted on 01295 227007 and

Scam Mail: If any one you know is struggling with an influx of Scam Mail please contact the Royal Mail scam mail team on 0800 0113 466 or

Footpaths & Basics Right of Way Law: The following website details some frequently asked questions about Rights of Way Law in England and Wales.

To report a problem on a local footpath to Oxfordshire County Council please use the link below or inform the Clerk.

Weston on the Green Airfield - Low Flying Complaint: If you are experiencing any disturbance from the Weston on the Green airfield, you can submit a flying complaint to the following email address –

Environment Agency Floodline: You can sign up to receive flood warnings from the Environment Agency. Alternatively you can call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to register. The service is free and you can choose to receive notifications of flood warnings by email, text, or both.

Weather Warnings: The Met Office issues weather warnings when severe weather is expected. These give an indication of problematic weather that may be on its way to Oxfordshire and could further influence river levels.

Flooding Toolkit: Oxfordshire County Council has produced a flooding toolkit which provides advice and support for residents and businesses. it gives information on preparing for instances of flooding.

Power Outages: Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks list power outages at any one moment.

School Closures: Schools are asked to update this page on the county council's website should they need to close for any emergency reason.

Oxfordshire Fire Service - Safe and Well Visits (free)

Oxfordshire County Council's Fire and Rescue Service offers free Safe and Well Visits. Firefighters can visit you at home to see what they can do to help you reduce the risk of fire.

What does a visit cover? It combines a Home Safety Check to help reduce the risk of fire in your home, such as checking and fitting smoke alarms and helping you make a fire escape plan. During the visit, firefighters are able to provide advice and support to reduce any immediate risk from falls, fire, flood or power cuts. They can also provide advice on health and crime prevention too.

For further information and a booking form please visit:

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service have provided a helpful guide to staying safe at home- it includes advice on preventing common fires, how to conduct a bedtime check, protecting your home, and planning a safe escape. Fire Saftey in the Home guide.